Baptism is a very important spiritual milestone for a person who has come to know and love Jesus Christ. If you have felt God's call to take this step, please reach out to a pastor or contact Andrea Werth for details on the next baptism opportunities. 


September 15, after the 11 am service

Baptism is a very important spiritual milestone for a person who has come to know and love Jesus Christ. If you have felt God's call to take this step, register here.

Frequently Asked Questions

1.  Why do I need to be baptized?
Baptism was important to Jesus. In the Gospel of Matthew, some of the last words Jesus spoke were:  "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."  Matthew 28: 19-20

Along with communion, baptism was one of the only two practices Jesus told the young church to observe. In the New Testament, a few things about baptism become clear. Being baptized does not make a person a Christian. The Apostle Paul taught over and over that a person is not put into a right relationship with God by anything they do. In Galatians 2: 15, 16 ~ Paul explains we are not made right by any religious duty we might perform.

A person becomes a Christian when they have a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. When an individual comes to trust in Christ, they become a Christian. Baptism is something a person does out of obedience to Christ after they choose to follow Him. Baptism is an outward, public expression and testimony of a person's inward faith.

2.  Who can be baptized?
The prerequisite is that a person has come into a grace-filled relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We offer baptism to anyone who is a member of New Community Church or intends to become a member of the Church. It is essential that a Christian be rooted in a fellowship of Christians. Because of that, we baptize people who intend to be a part of this local fellowship.

3.  What happens before and on Baptism Sunday?
Each person who plans to be baptized is asked to complete the baptism devotional. Once the appropriate paperwork is turned into the church office, a pastor may call you to discuss your testimony before the day you are baptized, either on the phone or in person. On Baptism Sunday, all people being baptized and the congregation go out to the baptism site directly following the 11 a.m. service. When each candidate is called into the water, they will be asked to make a brief statement about their personal relationship with Jesus Christ. After the statement is made, the candidate is immersed in water demonstrating that they have been cleansed of all their sin and are united with Christ.

4.  What if I am unsure about whether I want to be baptized?

Please call the church office to speak with or schedule a time to meet with one of the pastors.

5.  When can a child be baptized?
We have found that a student who has finished 5th grade is old enough to clearly understand what baptism means. If a young person of this age has made their own personal decision to come into a grace-filled relationship with God through Jesus Christ, they are eligible to be baptized. 

6.  What about infants and younger children?
We know God values and loves infants and young children and we do also. Part of what we do at New Community Church to foster a child's spiritual growth is to offer child dedication. It is a public act, just like baptism, that allows parents the opportunity to say before a community of people; "I am committed to doing my part to help my child discover the love of God that is offered in Jesus Christ." We desire to be partners with parents in raising children to know and love God and to have a personal relationship with Jesus. Child dedication occurs on the Sunday after Mother's Day in May and the Sunday before Thanksgiving each year. Visit our webpage for more information about child dedication.

Click here to listen to the September 7, 2014 Baptism Message. 

If you have additional questions or need more information about baptism or child dedication at New Community Church, e-mail Andrea Werth at