We are the youth!

We love our students! This moment in life can be both amazing and hard, and our community of students have shown love for each other and for spreading the love of Jesus to our community and beyond.

The vision of New Community Church Student Ministries is to guide students to Know God and Make God Known.  We seek to accomplish this through prayer, scripture, service, community, and worship. As we pursue that vision, we pray that God will transform our students to be HOLI:

Humble Owners of their faith, Loving people of Integrity

This is not just a vision. Parents are seeing this become a reality in their students' lives and they express their gratitude for the role that Adam and Joel play in their students' lives.

Follow NCC Student Ministries on Social Media:

Student Ministries Instagram

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Come check out Student Ministries at NCC!


Student Ministries at NCC

Here at New Community, we want our students to know, grow, and go. We want to equip students to grow in their relationship with God, and provide them with a loving community where they can deepen their faith together. It is our prayer that each student grow to become fully devoted, passionate, 

disciples who KNOW Jesus Christ, GROW up in Him, and GO out for Him.

  • Thursday Night Ministries: The Edge and Revolution

    The Edge (6th-8th grade) 6-7:30 p.m.

    Revolution (9th-12th) 7:15-9 p.m.

    Thursday nights during the school year are designed for Middle and High School Students to connect with community as they unpack God's word together. Some elements of our time together are "fun", but we believe our time is best spent in small groups. These nights are designed for students to build relationships with each other and their leaders. This is also a time where students can unpack what was shared during our teaching time and talk about what it looks like to apply what the Bible says to their lives. Thursday night ministries starts back up on September 26!

  • Thrive

    Our students in grades sixth, seventh, and eighth meet on Sunday mornings at the 9 and 11 a.m. services during the school year. Thrive meets and sits together upstairs in the Worship Center in the section designated on the left side. After the worship time, students head downstairs for a time of Bible study.

  • Middle School Girls' Bible Study

    Sundays, 6-7:30 p.m. at NCC, Starts September 15

    Middle school girls, join us as we study the book of Esther! God is not mentioned by name once - and yet we see God's hand at work in the lives of Esther and the Jewish people during a time of exile. This book highlights God's providence and faithfulness. The girls will spend time learning to read the Bible on their own, apply what they are learning and gain confidence to teach others. Register here!

  • High School Girls' Bible Study

    Sundays, 4:30-5:45 p.m. at NCC, Starts September 15

    High school girls, join us as we study the book of Esther! God is not mentioned by name once - and yet we see God's hand at work in the lives of Esther and the Jewish people during a time of exile. This book highlights God's providence and faithfulness. The girls will spend time learning to read the Bible on their own, apply what they are learning and gain confidence to teach others. Register here!

  • Middle School Boys' Bible Study

    Sundays, 6:15-7:45 p.m. at a local home, Starts October 27

    Middle school boys, join us for a 6 week journey through Psalms! We will explore how Psalms provide us with the vocabulary to express ourselves to God and each other. You'll learn to connect personally with Psalms, apply it to your life, and gain the confidence to teach others. Register here!

  • High School Boys' Bible Study

    Tuesdays, 6:15-7:45 p.m. at a local home, Starts September 8

    High school boys, join us for a 6 week journey through Psalms! We will explore how Psalms provide us with the vocabulary to express ourselves to God and each other. You'll learn to connect personally with Psalms, apply it to your life, and gain the confidence to teach others. Register here!

Special Events

  • Student Ministry Olympics

    September 19, from 6-8 pm

    Get ready for a night full of fun and games at the Student Ministry Olympics! Students in Middle School and High School will face off against each other in a variety of different games and activities for one epic prize. Come ready to win! 

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  • Fall Fest!

    October 9, 6-8 pm

    Come join us for a night of Pumpkin Catapult, Hay Ride, Apple Cider, Coffee Truck, Candy Corn Contest, and SO much more. Something fun for everyone! You won't want to miss this festive evening so mark your calendar- bring your friends!

Student Activities

Mission Trips

Laurelville Retreat for Middle School

Laurelville Retreat for High School

Surf City for Middle School

Pulse - High School Retreat

Serving Opportunities in Pittsburgh