Mission Trips

God has enabled NCC to be involved with various organizations and have sent many mission teams to share the love of Christ.

  • Appalachia

    NCC serves alongside Beth Luffy and her family, who serve the people of their community in Appalachia, West Virginia through their ministry center, More Grace Outreach. Beth is continuing to minister and meet the needs of vulnerable families. Their most pressing need in continuing that ministry is financial support. If you are interested in helping them, please visit their website. Contact Joel Friend at jfriend@nccinwexford.org with any questions.

  • Nicaragua

    NCC partners together with Agros International to develop a long-term relationship with a community in Nicaragua called Tierra Nueva. This relationship began by sending a leader team down to Nicaragua in 2012. Since then, NCC has sent mission teams each year into this community to continue to develop this relationship. This annual trip is safe for families because the focus is in building relationships and fostering community between our church and this community. It is a blessing to see the people of Tierra Nueva working their families out of poverty by becoming land owners in Nicaragua.  

    The last trip was the spring of 2018, and since then trips have been put on hold due to COVID-19.  A potential 2022 trip is being explored and more information will be communicated soon. 

    Check out the past trips mission blogs to see more about what happens on these mission trips:
    - 2018 (team of 6 adults & 5 students) - ONLINE 2018 BLOG

    - 2017 (June team) - ONLINE JUNE 2017 BLOG

    - 2017 (March team) - ONLINE MARCH 2017 BLOG

     - 2016 (team of 12 adults & 4 students) - ONLINE 2016 BLOG

  • Ghana

    In 2016, NCC celebrated 10 years of supporting Pioneers Africa in Ghana. Did you know...in 2004 there was an unmanned health clinic with no doctor anywhere for 50-100 miles? NCC funded the first doctor; that clinic now runs on its own with government funding. Thousands of villagers have had access to healthcare to heal their bodies. People are working on building a water packaging facility with NCC's help, so they can earn funds to become more self-sufficient and reach even more villagers.

    In April 2019, a small team traveled to Ghana to deliver book bags filled with commentaries and to teach 40 pastor/missionary leaders. Watch the video to hear from some of the Ghana leaders share their appreciation.

  • Haiti

    Student Ministries have lead mission trips of about 25 students and adults to EBAC orphanage in Cap Haitian, Haiti. NCC used to travel to Haiti every two years.  At this time, it isn't safe to travel there.

  • Serving at Home

    Not only do we serve abroad, but also our neighbors here at home. See ways that you can serve our missions partners and become involved with your local community!

The Impact

Hear the stories of those who went on missions and those who were blessed in missions trips we have been able to send people on


God uses missions to...

transform people while laboring together to expand God’s new creation as far away as Thailand, and as close to home as our offices, neighborhoods, and families.

In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. 

Matthew 5:16

When NCC was born twenty years ago, a core value was then. and still is missions. God calls us to be the salt and light of the world and to fulfill the Great Commission, commands which NCC takes very seriously. Since the beginning, we have made an intentional and strategic effort to spread the Gospel to the most unreached populations in the world, bringing Christ’s love and hope to the lost and the least. Jesus also told us to let our light shine so that God may be glorified.

We are excited to share what is happening with our mission partners, other mission-focused activities at the church, and how you can become involved. 

To God be the Glory!

  • In the past, God has enabled NCC to be involved with various organizations and have sent over 25 mission teams to Armenia, China, Costa Rica, Ghana, Haiti, India, Nicaragua, Thailand, Venezuela and West Virginia
  • Together, we have aided in planting churches in India, China and Vietnam.
  • Provided dental clinics in China, Ghana, and Haiti
  • Been instrumental in helping the construction of water wells and a bottling facility to create a self-sustaining business mission in Ghana
  • Contributed resources to having The Good and Beautiful Life series translated into Farsi
  • Funded a medical doctor for a clinic in Ghana that now runs on its own with government funding
  • Helped create a self-sustaining agricultural community in Nicaragua
  • Built/renovated houses and playgrounds in Haiti and West Virginia

The Ripple Effect

God has placed and gifted us all to make a ripple effect through His Church. Watch the video below to see a few of the ripples expereienced through the faithfulness of our people.


Local Mission Partners

NCC supports local organizations with our time, talents, and financial resources. Our church holds periodic work days where our people help complete projects or simply spruce up the grounds, facilitate food drives, and other opportunities.

  • Pine Valley Camp

    Pine Valley Camp is a place where urban and at-risk children can experience real life change in a safe and family-like atmosphere of camp. Away from the chaos of the city, surrounded by the beauty of God's creation and the unconditional love of the staff, campers are introduced to a Heavenly Father who desires to heal their broken hearts.

    For more information visit www.pinevalleycamp.org

  • Urban Impact

    Urban Impact builds positive relationships with the community on the Northside by holistically helping to transform the lives of at-risk children, youth, and their families one person, one family, one block at a time who, in turn, make a powerful impact locally and globally for Jesus Christ.

    For more information visit www.uifpgh.org

  • Imani Christian Academy

    Imani Christian Academy is a K-12 private school in the East Hills area of Pittsburgh that enrolls disadvantaged kids and operates primarily on donations. Imani is committed to educating and building its students in mind, body, and spirit.

    For more information, visit www.imanichristianacademy.org

Compassion Ministries

Compassion Ministries provides opportunities to reach outside our church walls and serve our local community in order to show the love of Christ in practical, meaningful ways to those in need.

  • Compassion Day

    When we organize Compassion Days, we unite as a church body to show the love of Christ in practical ways with no strings attached. During these days of service, we go out in teams of 8 - 15 people into our community and perform service projects for organizations, our mission partners, and the under privileged. Some of the projects in the past have included repairs, landscaping, visiting with elderly, collecting furniture, handing out water bottles in North Park, preparing meals, and even washing fire trucks.

    More information here.

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  • Baby Bottle Campaign

    New Community Church participates in an annual Baby Bottle Campaign to raise money for the Women's Choice Network (WCN)  to empower abortion-vulnerable women to choose life. WCN Centers provide pregnancy testing, STD testing and treatment, sonograms, medical consultations, and life-saving options to abortion-vulnerable women. WCN services also include post-abortion care and abstinence education; all services are offered under the direction of a professional medical staff and are provided to all clients at no charge.

    Visit the client site at http://imissedmyperiod.com.

    Visit http://mypregnancycenter.org/wordpress/ to get involved with or support WCN.

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  • Orphan Care

    The mission of Living 1:27-New Community's Orphan Care Ministry, is to guide and serve individuals who have been touched by the biblical call to care for orphans in their distress. In carrying out our mission, our desire is to educate, connect, and encourage individuals and families who have an interest in “caring” for orphans in need. While often associated primarily with adoption, orphan care extends beyond this traditional scope and includes foster care, mentorship, financial sponsorship, prayer, advocacy, and much more. For more information, please contact Dave Wert at dlwert@verizon.net.

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