Women's Fall Kickoff Picnic

August 11, 5:30 - 7 pm

Mark your calendars for the 2nd annual Women's Fall Kickoff Picnic on Sunday, August 11th from 5:30-7pm. Bring your favorite potluck dish, spend time with delightful ladies, & learn about the exciting fall plans for women's ministry. Don't miss out on this fun kickoff to the fall!


Register here by August 7th!

Women's Interest Groups & Events

  • Moms Connect

    Meets the first Wednesday of the month from 5:30-7:30 pm at NCC

    Moms Connect is a group for moms of young kids (birth through elementary) to walk through motherhood together. If you are looking for community in what can be an isolated season of life, join us for Moms Connect! Free childcare is provided. Moms Connect will meet may times this Summer! click here if you are interested!

  • Single Ladies Socials

    If you are a single lady, you are going to want to be a part of this group! Register here!

NCC Women's Ministry welcomes women of our church and community to join us as we impact lives together for the Kingdom of God.

Leadership Team

(Pictured from left to right)

Melanie Holcombe, Sara Stewart, Michelle Rice, Joy Johnson, Jenn Leapline, Judy Stewart (not pictured)

The MISSION of the Women's Ministry is to foster opportunities for the Holy Spirit to transform our lives through: Christ-centered community, using Scripture to become more Christlike, and serving one another in love.

The VISION for Women's Ministry is to be Spirit-led to: live the Word of God more fully, love others selflessly, and share the Gospel boldly.

The VALUES of Women's Ministry are: making disciples, living the Gospel (Matthew 28:18-20), providing spiritual community, and caring connection.

"When Kingdom women become passionate about what God is passionate about, a positive change can occur in our lives, families, our homes, and our nation!"

Pastor Tony Evans